Do you want to have a happy, healthy and prosperous life? Wow, what a question! Who wouldn’t answer Yes to that! I say Triple Yes! So the real question here is How? How do you find real happiness, have true health and live prosperously? The right guy will be live with me to discuss these fantastic questions. Shawn and I met last year at The Wealthy Thought
Leader which is always hosted by Andrea J Lee. I immediately hit it off with Shawn because he is my kind of positive! The upbeat always looking at the possibilities, has an outlook of abundance and he is right on target with his message of happiness, health and prosperity. You don’t want to miss this incredible episode.
From boardrooms to conference centers, campgrounds to finish lines, the world is Shawn Shepheard’s classroom. And it’s from his biggest challenges that he’s learned the most.Shawn has successfully run three marathons and seven half-marathons in support of the Canadian Diabetes Association. He uses the same dedication, motivation and enthusiasm as an entrepreneur running his own business, and every single day in his quest to live a fulfilled life.
From the podium, Shawn weaves in examples from his own personal triumphs as a marathon runner, as well as touching stories from his volunteer work as an ambassador for people living with diabetes. Shawn has inspired countless people to lead their own fulfilled life; from young adults just starting out, to people in career transition, as well as corporate executives and business leaders. From his extensive experience in recruitment, customer service, career management and leadership training, he will share examples of how companies just like yours have implemented the changes and ideas he presents.
Hearing about what Shawn Shepheard has learned and accomplished, you will be inspired to test the limits and boundaries of what’s possible in your own life. Plus, you’ll leave with practical tools to make those changes, starting today.