AC 08: How Do You Have Abundance In Life? With Special Guest John Arnott (Founding Pastor and President of Catch the Fire)

How Do You Have Abundance In Life? by Scott How Do You Have Abundance In Life? 29-05-17 - 79 Listens
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Watch Scott Epp and his enlightening interview with John Arnott by clicking the Big Play button below!

John-Arnott1Is Abundance in Life Truly Possible? YES! Having Abundance in Life is truly possible. You can achieve true abundance in every facet of your life… from the physical to the spiritual to the emotional… from relationships to finances and more. Everything you want in life – every facet of life – can deliver an experience of true abundance, and ultimately a LIFE OF HAPPINESS. But how do you have abundance in life? I attended Catch the Fire Toronto for nearly 2 years and I had the fantastic opportunity to get to know John and his heart while I was there. John is humble and honouring. He allows the Holy Spirit to flow and is apart of one of the biggest revivals we have ever known. I am honoured and feel blessed to have this space to mastermind with John on one of the most important questions you will ever ask yourself. How can you have abundance in life?

Our special guest for this episode is John Arnott, the Founding Pastors and Presidents of Catch the Fire (formerly known as the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship) and Overseers of Partners in Harvest Network of Churches.

As international speakers, John and his wife Carol have become known for their ministry of Revival in the context of the Father’s saving and restoring Love, As the Holy Spirit moves with signs and wonders, they have seen millions of lives touched and changed through God’s power and Christ’s love.

John attended Ontario Bible College (now Tyndale College) in the late 1960′s and then pursued a successful career in business. In 1980, while on a ministry trip to Indonesia, John and Carol responded to God’s call on their lives for full-time ministry. Upon returning home, they started Jubilee Christian Fellowship in Stratford, Ontario in 1981. The Lord then called them to Toronto in 1987, where TACF was started. In January 1994, through a sovereign outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Revival exploded into protracted meetings, and TACF came to the world’s attention as a place where God was meeting with His people.

John is known for his teachings on the Father’s Love, Grace and Forgiveness and the Holy Spirit’s power. He continues to impart wise counsel and provides a strong framework for those who want to see the power of God manifest in their church. Carol has embraced the message of Intimacy, Soaking, and healing and freedom of hearts. Her desire is to see those in the Kingdom become lovers of Jesus Christ, and come into that place of intimacy, health and dependence on Him.

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By |2021-02-05T10:34:37+00:00May 12th, 2017|Archived Episodes|0 Comments

About the Author:

Scott partners with amazing people and leads them to find clarity and become their authentic amazing best. Through 'epic encouragement' Scott guides people to live their life purpose with passion and abundance. Having devoted over 10,000 hours coaching people one-on-one Scott is positioned as a thought-leading Life Coach/ Business Coach that gets radical results for his clients. He is an award-winning international speaker having delivered over 100 life-transforming talks. Scott is often hired to deliver powerful training to leaders and teams. Scott and his wife Nicole founded Coachemy Academy as an eLearning platform where growth-minded people can enrol in transformational courses.