Watch this inspiring episode and conversation with a top thought leader, business owner and recruiter of top level executives – Click Play below!
Connie Thanasoulis-Cerrachio is a career coach, writer, speaker, Gen Y expert and co-founder of SixFigureStart®
Connie has a 25-year career with leading Fortune 500 companies including Merrill Lynch, Pfizer and Citigroup. Most recently, Connie was the Chief Operating Officer for Merrill Lynch Campus Recruiting, where she helped to streamline the campus recruiting efforts in the United States, with that of Europe and the Pacific Rim regions. Connie is a career columnist for,, and and teaches Professional Development at Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs. Her career advice and job market insights have been extensively quoted, including mentions in ABC, Crain’s NY, BusinessWeek,, and WNYC radio. Prior to recruiting, Connie held a variety of positions in both marketing and sales. Connie is a graduate of New York University. Find out more about Connie by going to: