Are you a thought leader and world changer? If you are then I invite you to apply to be our special guest on Abundance Coaching TV.
My name is Scott Epp and I am an expert at Life Transformation Coaching and the I am the host of Abundance Coaching TV. Abundance Coaching TV is inspired by my vision to help 1000′s of people connect to their authentic amazing self so that they can live with passion and have abundance in life! We have inspiring stories, interesting, creative and innovative guests as we talk about How people can Fully Live their Life Purpose and have more Passion and Abundance in Life! We promote each episode when it launches as a live event and then it lives on our Abundance Coaching TV page indefinitely as a free resource for anyone.
If you’re ready to apply to be on our show then email Scott by going to and tell me why you want to be our special guest on Abundance Coaching TV. If you want to know how to promote your business online this is it. More and more people are turning to video to promote their online businesses because it works. As an expert interviewer I bring visibility to you and make you look like the hero that you already are in your field. When you apply be sure to share how you are a difference maker and what you want to talk about on our show.
Our model for success with Abundance Coaching TV is through partnering with world changers by helping them get a powerful message to their followers and to the world. In this partnership we will add value to your organization by producing a live online TV program which will be hosted at ACTV is currently pre-recorded and then the episodes are promoted with their air dates. Typically we launch one episode a week when the season is running. The next season starts January 2014 and will run until May 2014. Your followers will be inspired and engaged in the interview(s) and the content.
In exchange for this, we ask our partners to send 2 e-mails to their followers (as well as let your followers know via social media) regarding the air date of their appearance. We also ask our partners to agree to send 2 e-mails to their followers at a later date in 2014 letting them know about a Free Webinar that I will be hosting called: The 12 Proven Steps to Breakthrough your Biggest Challenges and Fully Living your Life Purpose!
For a sample of how we have successfully partnered with other clients then CLICK HERE. On this episode I interviewed Ted McGrath ( on Giving Yourself Away and Leaving a Legacy. His business helps Coaches people to Live a profitable and lifestyle friendly business. Ted is one of the Top Success Coaches in America. You will see how we make our show inspiring by adding video and movie clips and how we post produce our episodes. You will also receive an even higher resolution version of your episode after we produce it.
If you are a difference maker then we look forward to featuring you on our program.
Just email Scott by going to and tell me why you want to be our special guest on Abundance Coaching TV. Be sure to share how you are a difference maker and what you want to talk about on our show.
Live with Extraordinary Passion my friend!
Scott Epp