Abundance Coaching Welcome and Client / Coach Agreement2020-05-01T06:33:13+00:00

Thank you for partnering with Abundance Coaching on Your Epic Journey of life! 

About Abundance Coaching – Transforming Lives since 2009

agreementIt is our honour to get to coach and partner with you. Abundance Coaching is founded on the principle that Abundance is all around us and we are created to have overflow. In fact, there are possibilities for us to achieve even more than we could hope for or imagine in all facets of our lives. The problem is that we often let scarcity into our life and it is all around us for lots of different reasons. It’s easy to focus on scarcity rather than on abundance. The poison of scarcity can infiltrate how you think, feel and act. Everything you want in life – every facet of life – can deliver an experience of true abundance, and ultimately a LIFE OF HAPPINESS and FREEDOM. 

We partner with you to increase the riches and fullness of life you will have in all areas. With our inspiring and unique approach to Life and Business Coaching, our clients experience massive results by irradiating scarcity and infusing abundance into all areas of life! How does that sound? How amazing is it going to be when you have abundance in your health, well-being, relationships, love life, career, business, connection with God/spirit, confidence, purpose, meaning and more! Awesome eh! Let’s dive in! Here’s a quick reminder of how you can flow in abundance. We specialize in creating powerful conversations that lead people to be their authentic amazing best.

Your Abundance Mindset is believing that you have been created as more than enough, you have more than enough today and more than enough is coming to you in the future. You have possibilities all around you. You value what you put into your mind. You take time to rejuvenate yourself and you value yourself at your core. Your Master Certified Abundance Coach is Scott Epp (Spiritual/Christian Coaching, Life Coaching, Business Coaching, Relationship/Communication Coaching.) Your Certified Abundance Coaches are Greg Beech (Spiritual/Christian Coaching, Life Coaching ), Luke Ashcroft (Life Coaching, Health/Well-being Coaching, Relationship/Communication Coaching) and Nicole Epp (Relationship/Communication Coaching.) In the future we will add more Abundance Coaches to our network as we expand and bring the good news of Abundance in Life and Abundance Coaching to the world. May you thrive in this season and may you continue to have hope. Although we are based in Sydney Australia, we have clients worldwide so we have decided to switch our pricing to USD.

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we need a 24-hour notice. You can do this with your booking link that is emailed to you or create a login that will allow you to reschedule or cancel connections easily. You can also email Scott Epp (scott@abundancecoaching.com), Luke Ashcroft (luke@abundancecoaching.com), Nicole Epp (nicole@abundancecoaching), Greg Beech (greg@abundancecoaching.com) anytime.


To transform lives through high calibre life coaching, facilitating powerful breakthroughs, and helping clients become passionate about their life. Our clients experience life change as they replace lack and scarcity with abundance in all areas of their life.


We empower people to become the hero of their epic journey of life so that they can live their life purpose with passion and abundance.


We value relationship and partnership with our clients, and we consider it a privilege to be a part of the life transformation that our clients, workshop participants and followers go through as they become the hero of their epic journey of life. Our Core Values are Epic, Passion, and Presence. Our nurture values reflect what we care about, and how we perform to achieve our goals. Our nurture values are Integrity, Optimism, Leadership and Empowerment.

EPIC is our life pursuit. We believe that everyone is on a path in life whether they are idle, moving slowly or they have committed to be the hero on their Epic Journey of Life. By being Epic we choose to live an expansive, enjoyable, and sometimes challenging life. This journey requires us to become more conscious, aware, and intimate with ourselves and others. We attract clients and followers who desire to be more adventurous and poetic in life and who want to live a life that impacts others and makes a genuine difference.

PASSION is the energy and essence of an abundant life! We are passionate about life, coaching, and seeing people reach their potential and living their best life. We partner with clients as they discover their passions and dreams and as they create effective action steps and plans. We provide resources for clients to help those dreams come true.

PRESENCE is an instilled value in our coaching and mentoring approach. We create an inspiring environment that is focused on our clients moving forward. When we listen attentively, understand, and keep clients accountable to their most important values and goals, clients are served well. We draw out the greatness that is already inside of each client. The Abundance Coach is in the moment with clients and are focused on helping them get the results they need.

Welcome to Abundance Coaching! Woohoo! Abundance Coaching is not just my business name, it is a way of living and a lifestyle. When we remove scarcity and lack from our life and move Abundance in place of which we are actually living the Abundance lifestyle. When we have an abundance outlook on our life overflow happens in our life and we are empowered and encouraged to be instead of doing. We have the empowerment to know that there is a better way that each of us can live in and belong to. I am so glad to be taking this first step on the journey towards helping you live an abundance lifestyle.

What does being coaching look like?

Your coach may be Scott Epp, Greg Beech, Nicole Epp or Luke Ashcroft. Either way, you are in great hands because both have had 1000s of hours experience partnering with clients as coaches and mentors. Your coach will help you get unstuck from your biggest challenges so that you can live your life purpose with passion and abundance! Here are some of the ways that your coach will help you:

– Design your life purpose plan so that you live the life of your dreams.

– Gain clarity so that you can see your life and where you are

– Connect with your authentic amazing self, your beliefs and strengths so that you can live more passion and abundance

– Guide you through finding out what your core values are so that you can maximise your life and make wise decisions and live out of what truly matters to you

– Discover the human potential that is in you through removing scarcity and living with an abundance mindset

– Help you to take responsibility fully for your life once and walk in your personal power

– Get you committed to the right things and set the right goals so that you get the right results.

– Live as your best self so that you can stop limiting your potential and achieve your major life goals

– Get happy and have incredible joy and then multiply it on others

– Live with success principles so that you get plugged into the right source and continue your momentum upwards

– keep you accountable to your most important goals and remind you of what you’re why is

– Live your Legacy and boldly go everywhere you want to go!

What can we offer you as a coach? (Scott Epp, Greg Beech, Nicole Epp and Luke Ashcroft)

As a business and life coach, our mission is to support, encourage and partner with those who possess a drive for change. We help people connect with their authentic amazing self so that they can live with passion and have abundance in life! We offer our clients the space to name and reach goals that exhibit who they are at their inner core. By joining us in a coaching relationship, you will have the chance to move forward in a way that is encouraging and genuine. If you are at a place where you feel stuck in your life right now we will help you to awaken the wild lion within you. If you need to realise your full potential and live it we are there for you. Our clients find the inspiration, encouragement and empowerment they need to walk into an authentic state of being in business and life! We do not offer sessions to our Abundance Coaching Partners. We feel that the word ‘session’ sounds too therapeutic and clinical. So what do we call it when we meet with our clients then? When we meet with our clients we call it a ‘Connection.’ So you will read throughout this article and in our languaging that we ‘Connect.’ with you. This is powerful and important for us to communicate with you. It is our aim to connect with you as you become your authentic amazing best version of you!

What will be expected of you as our client? Some important notes from your coach:

What will be expected of you as our client? Some important notes from your coach:

Our hope is that we will become true partners as coach and client. However, I allow our clients to drive the Connections. In other words, the responsibility for moving forward and reaching goals lies with the client. A strong commitment from the client is essential. I can make no guarantees about increased earnings, better relationships, or personal development for the client. However, if you will commit yourself to this process, you can expect complete commitment from me. I expect that you will show up to Connections on time and follow through with any fieldwork that we agree upon. Our hope is that you will show up to each Connection ready to dig deep in order to unearth the answers that lie within you.

Cancellation Policy

Your coach requires 24-hour notice of cancellation by the client. There are no refunds if a client doesn’t show up for a Connection or if they fail to give 24-hour notice to cancel a Connection. To cancel a Connection you can email your Coach of or office@abundancecoaching.com or phone me. When 24 hours’ notice is received, everything will be done to accommodate the client with another Connection during the same week the Connection was canceled. If this is not possible, the client will be able to reschedule their Connection at a later time.


Communication between client and Coach is via email. Typically your Coach will meet you via the Zoom online web-conferencing platform. If you meet your coach on Skype then feel free to message them via Skype in between Connections. You may also call your coach on their mobile number if you need to schedule a Connection or if you need something. However, your coach deserves high priority to their Platinum Partners to allow them to call their mobile when they need. If you are on our Platinum Partnership Program you will have access to make direct phone calls and Skype calls to your coach. Direct Messages via Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin will not be accepted.

Use of Abundance Coaching Content

The Client is encouraged to fully benefit from all Abundance Coaching content and coaching tools has to offer. But, please refrain from copying (“stealing”) content. The Client is encouraged to model systems while using his/her own content. Please ask if questions arise about the difference between copying (“stealing”) and modelling.


It is the Client’s responsibility to schedule his/her Connection for the month, using the on-line calendar. If you are on our Silver Partnership, Silver Plus Partnership, Gold Partnership or Platinum Partnership Programs then please schedule your Connections by going to http://abundancecoaching.com/book-vip/. If you are a client who schedules one-off Connections then please note that these Connections are booked by going to – www.abundancecoaching.com/book-coaching. Please email your coach if you have any problems scheduling your Connections. It is wise to book your next Connection right after your current Connection. You are welcome to email your Coach when you want to schedule your Connections or if you have any issues with our online scheduling software.

Nature of Relationship

The Client enters into coaching with the understanding that the Client is responsible for creating his or her own decisions and results. Scott is a C.P.C.(Certified Professional Coach)from The International Coach Academy. Scott is also a Global Priority Values and Principles Trainer. As requested, the Coach may give specific advice or suggestions, however, it is ultimately the Client’s responsibility for making his or her own decisions determining the best course of action. The Coaching relationship is in no way to be construed as psychological counseling or any type of psychotherapy. In the event, the client feels the need for professional counseling or therapy, it is the responsibility of the client to seek a licensed professional.

Abundance Coaching Client-Coach Agreement


  • You, the client, shall pay for your coaching fees or packages in advance of the Connection(s).
  • For Platinum, Gold, Silver Plus and Silver Partners your credit card will be automatically charged once a month, according to the Partnership Program that you are on.
  • You will be able to upgrade your partnership by simply emailing your coach and letting them know. You can also downgrade your partnership program by emailing your coach and letting them know.
  • To downgrade your partnership program, you will be required to give 30 days notice. This is necessary to give us enough notice so as to not charge your credit for the appropriate month.
  • All partnership programs have Connections that expire at the end of every month. There is no carry-over plan for Connections, there will expire if you do not use them in the current month.
  • In an effort to be flexible and accessible to our client we try to keep our calendars as available as possible to reschedule Connections. You have the availability to schedule and reschedule your Connections on our www.abundancecoaching.com/book-vip booking page as well as communicating directly with your coach.


  • It is your responsibility to make sure that you have set up your connections according to your wants. Please refresh yourself with what you get with your Partnership program by going to: www.abundancecoaching.com/pricing.
  • As a client, I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my physical, mental and emotional well being during my coaching calls, including my choices and decisions. I am aware that I can choose to discontinue coaching at any time.
  • I understand that “coaching” is a Professional-Client relationship I have with my coach that is designed to facilitate the creation/development of personal, professional or business goals and to develop and carry out a strategy/plan for achieving those goals.
  • I understand that coaching is a comprehensive process that may involve all areas of my life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. I acknowledge that deciding how to handle these issues, incorporate coaching into those areas, and implement my choices is exclusively my responsibility.
  • I understand that coaching does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. I understand that coaching is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment and I will not use it in place of any form of diagnosis, treatment, or therapy.
  • I promise that if I am currently in therapy or otherwise under the care of a mental health professional, that I have consulted with the mental health care provider regarding the advisability of working with a coach and that this person is aware of my decision to proceed with the coaching relationship.


The Coach will be indemnified and held harmless by this Agreement from and against any and all claims of any nature, whatsoever resulting out of the Coach-Client relationship. The Coach will not be liable to the Client, for any mistake or error in judgment or for any act or omission done in good faith and believed to be within the scope of Coaching, conferred or implied by this Agreement. The coach does not warrant to the Client the services will provide the optimum goals of the Client. The Client agrees that all such direction provided by the Coach is my responsibility to implement or not to implement.



I understand that that the information shared with my Coach such as future plans, business affairs, and personal and financial information will be held as confidential unless I state otherwise, in writing, or except as required by law.

I understand that certain topics may be generic and could be anonymously shared with other coaching professionals for training or consulting purposes. The Coach will not at any time, either directly or indirectly, use any such information for the Coach’s own benefit.


I understand that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual or other qualified professionals. I will seek independent professional guidance for legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual or other matters. I understand that all decisions in these areas are exclusively mine and I acknowledge that my decisions and my actions regarding them are my sole responsibility.


The Coach or the Client may terminate the coach-client relationship at any time, and for any reason. In the event of termination, no compensation will be granted to the Client. There are no refunds for any payments made to the Coach.


The ICF is the governing body over coaches and we can use all coaching hours to obtain higher credentials as a certified coach. We will be submitting your name, address, and phone number and the quantity of Connections in with “The International Coach Federation.” The ICF will not give out your information and they may contact you to confirm that we, in fact, coached you.


This Contract and all rights and obligations of the parties relating hereto shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of Australia.

Live with Passion and Have Abundance in Life!

Please Complete and Agree to your Abundance Coaching Client / Coach Agreement below.

Thank you for answering these questions so far. The next 3 questions will build a foundation for our coaching partnership.

Welcome to Abundance Coaching! We look forward to helping you become your authentic amazing best 🙂 so that you can live your life purpose with passion and abundance!