
Scott-Epp-Abundance-CoachingHi, my name is Scott Epp and I am the host and founder of Abundance Coaching TV. Abundance Coaching TV is inspired by my vision to help 1000′s of people connect to their authentic amazing self so that they can live with passion and have abundance in life!

My wife Nicole and I own Abundance Coaching and we have created the Epic Life Values Process. I work with people who know there is something more for them in life but they’re not reaching it. There is abundance all around especially when we have champions in our corner and we know we are on our Epic Journey of Living our Life Purpose with Passion and Abundance.

On Abundance Coaching TV and Podcast we have inspiring stories, interesting, creative and innovative guests, I also share abundance coaching tips and strategies!

My Epic Life Values Statement is:

‘I connect with God and follow His wisdom as He leads me to have integrity and impact my family and thousands of people around the world. I am loved, I love myself and I love deeply. I am an epic encourager. I passionately inspire, empower and partner with others on their epic journey of life. I lead my family to live an adventurous, rich and full life.’

My Epic Life Purpose Statement is:

‘My Epic Life Purpose is to love adventuring with my Daddy God and treasure my relationship dynamic that keeps me in awe and wonder. I am a hero in faith and my name will be spoken as being a legendary figure in the Kingdom. As a Joshua type leader I lead a multitude in epic adventures with our Father and empower a generation and give them courage. I live supernaturally and I see into the depths of the spiritual places with my poetic heart and passion for life. My leadership ignites and inspires people as I lead a charge of people that live for something bigger. My words are powerful and effective to bring courage and release people into adventures with our Heavenly Father. Nicole has a victorious husband who is faithful by her side, who lifts her up as pure, blameless and cherished. I keep the sparks of romance and intimacy alive with Nicole and we share life together. My loving embrace is felt most by my wife and our epic boys. I inspire my boys as I show them how to be wild and free epic lovers of Jesus and all people.’

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